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Fears of rug pull are heightened by reports that Safereum developers have unlocked and dumped native tokens

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    According to blockchain security analysts, the developers of the Safereum project suddenly sold more than 700 ETH worth of its native token, sending the price of SAFEREUM plummeting by more than 90%.

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    Rug pull feared as Safereum devs reportedly unlock and dump native token

    The crypto community has been left fearing the worst after seeing huge sums of liquidity drained from the cryptocurrency project Safereum just hours after its team finalized a massive $600,000 fundraising.

    According to blockchain security firm CertiK and other analysts, the developers of Safereum — using the token deployment address “safereum.eth” — unlocked the supply of the token and dumped more than 600 Ether (ETH) worth of its holdings, causing the price of the Safereum (SAFEREUM) token to plunge more than 94%.


    We can confirm that @Safereumio has conducted an exit scam for ~$1.3m

    Eth: 0xb504035a11E672e12a099F32B1672b9C4a78b22f

    safereum.eth unlocked Safereum tokens and sold. Additionally ~$597k was raised for the project’s SAFEPAD token.https://t.co/aAxjcEmdcH

    — CertiK Alert (@CertiKAlert) October 23, 2023

    The so-called rug pull came after the team finalized a fund raise of approximately $600,000 for a derivative token called “Safepad.” These funds are understood to have constituted part of the total stolen sum, which totaled roughly 720 ETH, worth $1.27 million at current prices.

    CertiK noted that the illegitimate funds had since been distributed through a series of wallets, further obfuscating the surveillance process.

    The official Safereum account on X (formerly known as Twitter) has also been deleted.

    At the time of publication, SAFEREUM is trading at $0.0000008, down 94.1% from $0.000014, where it was trading before the alleged exit scam.

    The price of the Safereum token plummeted more than 95% after developers allegedly rugged the project. Source: CoinMarketCap

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    Pseudonymous nonfungible token (NFT) trader Died.eth described the Safereum scam as one of the more “insane” rug pulls they’d witnessed.

    “Safereum / safepad just hit the most insane rug I’ve ever seen, after finalizing their 700e safepad presale they’ve dumped over 600e of safereum and safepad for one final exit,” they wrote in a post to their 12,600 followers on X.

    safereum / safepad just hit the most insane rug I've ever seen, after finalizing their 700e safepad presale they've dumped over 600e of safereum and safepad for one final exit pic.twitter.com/HwX70DFCAr

    — died.eth | idk.eth (@website) October 23, 2023

    Meanwhile, several influencers have been called out for their alleged roles in promoting the Safereum project.

    Blockchain sleuth ZachXBT pointed specifically to a pseudonymous user known as ProTheDoge for their role as an official promoter of the scam project, noting that this wasn’t the first time that the user in question had done little in the way of due diligence.

    It seems the influencer ProTheDoge is back at it promoting scams as an official partner of the project.

    This time it was Safereum which just rug pulled with 730+ ETH ($1.2M).

    0x67c8423a7709aDB8ED31c04DcbB0C161637b807F pic.twitter.com/o5qi9rmC3e

    — ZachXBT (@zachxbt) October 23, 2023

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