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Navigating NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens): A global legal and regulatory guide

Once relegated to the fringe of the crypto/FinTech communities, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are suddenly mainstream, appearing in new and increasingly commercial use cases, such as financial services, automotive industry applications, electronic gaming, sport highlights, music albums, film, art, fashion and digital branding.

  • What is an NFT and how is it different from a fungible, or any other, token? How can the ownership of a tangible item be represented by an intangible token?
  • Does the owner of an NFT own the underlying object or asset it might represent?
  • Are NFTs regulated and, if so, how?

These sorts of questions are extremely important for businesses, consumers, law-makers and lawyers. In this four-part guide we consider the key legal and regulatory issues in relation to NFTs in the context of a wide range of use cases, industry sectors and jurisdictions.

Part 1

VIDEO: NFT Explained In 5 Minutes | What Is NFT? - Non Fungible Token | NFT Crypto Explained | Simplilearn

An introduction to NFTs

  • What is an NFT?
  • Is a smart contract an essential aspect of an NFT?
  • The legal nature of an NFT
  • Rights in underlying assets

Download Part 1

Part 2

VIDEO: What are NFTs? 🚀 (Non-Fungible Tokens!) - Beginner's Guide
Crypto Casey

Regulatory considerations

  • NFT as a regulated security
  • AML and KYC requirements
  • Sanctions
  • Money transmitter laws
  • NFTs as commodities
  • Data privacy
  • Antitrust and competition law

Download Part 2

Part 3 (Coming soon)

VIDEO: NFTs, Explained
Johnny Harris


  • Commercial and transactional considerations
  • What are the intellectual property rights issues?
  • Consumer protection laws
  • NFTs as collateral
  • NFTs and the Metaverse

Part 4 (Coming soon)

VIDEO: A beginner's guide to NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)

Fiscal issues, managing fraud and dispute risk, and technical considerations

  • Tax
  • Carbon footprint / ESG considerations
  • Fraud and other disputes
  • Cybersecurity
  • NFTs as smart contracts supported by distributed ledger technology


Article information

Author: Denise Harding

Last Updated: 1700129403

Views: 1259

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (31 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Denise Harding

Birthday: 2004-04-20

Address: 760 Campos Springs Suite 265, West Alexanderfurt, NC 56599

Phone: +4870739347156311

Job: Veterinarian

Hobby: Origami, Skiing, Tea Brewing, Rock Climbing, Bird Watching, Chess, Reading

Introduction: My name is Denise Harding, I am a accomplished, enterprising, strong-willed, striking, expert, dazzling, honest person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.